every dream in april

  • 01/04/2023
  • due to rising sea temperatures, all the starfish were dying, including me. a scientist, through the power of science, gives me magic powers to save the world from global warming.


  • 02/04/23
  • i was drifting along somewhere.


  • 03/04/23
  • i was playing a pokemon-like game but i began at the final gym, which was a giant tower. the only way to get to the top was to help all the employees working for the different companys in the tower, who would give you a keycard to access the next floor via the elevator once youd helped them. in the elevator ride youd get a cutscene that explained the world. as i continued rising, i recieved more information on who was at the top of the tower: someone called 'claire' who was highly implied to be the final key to starting an apocalypse and had a heartbeat so powerful she caused constant tremors across the country. outside the final door, which clair was behind, i was told the final piece of information: 'Clair' needed a human host.


  • 04/04/23
  • I was outside college. it was sunny, everyone was larping for some reason. all the people were annoyed at the organiser because the rp was incredibly lore-inaccurate.


  • 05/04/23
  • people would assign you a personality type. if they got it wrong theyd never be seen again.


  • 06/04/23
  • i was in a group of professional twitch streamers but i hadnt debuted yet. there was a girl my age who hadnt debuted yet either. it turned out, as i was wandering around the office building, that the group was actually a coverup for a cult.


  • 07/04/23
  • I was playing a videogame but i was the character in the game. every night, for three nights, someone would try to break into my house. the murderer breaking in was chill enough to spare me but the police werent


  • 08/04/23
  • i was the only 3d person in the world and everyone else was 2d. i was ridiculed daily.


  • 09/04/23
  • playing an old flash game for nostalgia reasons and discovering the cartoony villains are very, very real. i was attacked by one of the villains and found myself having to decide between saving a stranger with vital information and one of my best friends.


  • 10/04/23
  • there was a house with an extra floor that only i knew how to get to. me and some other people used it as a hangout spot for a while but we had to stop because it was trespassing. i had another dream that night that me and a group of people were going hiking, and before the forest there was an old guy sat on the edge of a fountain that was full of little bracelets. all of the bracelets had 'F' or 'M' written on them and were pink/blue, but mine was pale gray and said 'Y'. also they all had little pictures of anime characters on them.


  • 11/04/23
  • something about synthetic opals and giving up control.


  • 12/04/23
  • i was startled awake. the dream had a videogame feel to it. i think i was looking for something.


  • 13/04/23
  • i was in a forest with other people but i kept having random, brief conversations with Luigi from super mario. luigi tells me he tried using charisma to get out of being murdered and that it worked, but now two monter girls were fighting to the death for his affection.


  • 14/04/23
  • i was at where i get the bus home and while i was there i had to collect 8 emotions. before that, there were two people who didnt speak english and were a part of an experiment to see how quickly people speaking different languages could figure out how to communicate.


  • 15/04/23
  • me and my older sibling broke into a vending machine but it was more of a storage compartment than a vending machine. the school didnt like that so they sent wild dogs and wizards to hunt us down.


  • 16/04/23
  • there was an extra song on a musicians album but it refused to play for anyone. the singers fans became insane.


  • 17/04/23
  • i wasnt a human being and nobody believed me. then, when they found out that i really was an alien they freaked out.


  • 18/04/23
  • someone with a large collection of dolls decides to give them life. these dolls would see the part of yourself you like the most and would take it from you; applying it to themselves.


  • 19/04/23
  • i was a purple-haired child travelling across the land. humans wanted to destroy everything i remember a big empty field next to a mountain and a doorway cut into stone.


  • 20/04/23
  • i dont remember this dream. that may be for the best.


  • 21/04/23
  • there were many little dreams, most of them surrounding the videogame me and my friends lived in. at one point, one of us found an entryway to the real world. we opened it and a hundred octopuses fell from the sky.


  • 22/04/23
  • i was a 100-year-old, destiny-bound wizard who only knew useless spells. the other heroes of prophecy find me and are immediately disappointed.


  • 23/04/23
  • i lived in a community of troll-doll/Zelf creatures who had flowers for hair. the colour of flower could be seen in the flowers in the forest and if they matched you then took care fo them. my flowers were green. there were no green flowers in the forest.


  • 24/04/23
  • Humanoid aliens taking over earth. i am tasked with recruiting more people to fight


  • 25/04/23
  • i go to space to prove my innocence and when i come back, my dog is gone. the aliens put down my dog.


  • 26/04/23
  • 26/04/23: a musical fight against a bard; as much a fight against them as a fight against the world


  • 27/04/23
  • something involving bringing my friends to a market stall. i went there with someone and the people running the stall tried to drown us in plaster of paris. we also got icecream bc it was my birthday. the universe hated me that day so it spawned in a cool guy and made me prevent his murder.


  • 28/04/23
  • luigi visits toad in the mountains and talks about his feelings


  • 29/04/23
  • smurf battle royale


  • 30/04/23
  • the only thing i remember is the word 'computer'
