every dream in january

  • 01/01/2023
  • i was standing in the dining hall of a mansion/hall, but for some reason i was facing the wall. i remember that i was looking for something and the sound of music


  • 02/01/23
  • i ws princess peach and in a gameshow videogame where my opponents were moddy americal preteens. i won the competition and eventaully convinced the gameshow host to let me go back to earth (because apparently i wasnt on earth).


  • 03/01/23
  • i had some kind of magical power, but it was useless for my profession so i never actually used it. i was trying to solve a detective case and the only person willing to help me was someone with the power to make others fall asleep on command.


  • 04/01/23
  • someone played iphone alarms on a very busy neighbourhood street and everyone got upset at them. then they all despawned, leaving the street uncomfortably quiet.


  • 05/01/23
  • i was in the foyer of a mansion with many people i dont rmeember the faces of. we were the last remaining survivors of the apocalypse. we were boardin up windows and locked the front door. just before i woke up i saw what was attacking us: hundred of still pngs of the TBH CREATURE. they began to break down the door but i woke before they reached me.


  • 06/01/23
  • mario and waluigi liked my singing and we sang a song, then the hammerthrowing koopas from mario brothers wii began flying around and tposing. they were also shooting laser at us, but accourding to what i wrote at the time, they were PATHETIC and WEAK. also i dreamt someone put hay into a fish tank and it turned into pasta.


  • 07/01/23
  • the only thing i remember is a still image of a white cartoon cat sitting in a pond and making the :3 face. i am 90% sure this was another detective dream


  • 08/01/23
  • i was a vigilante in the sonic the hedgehog universe and sonic, shadow, knuckles and tails were heroes trying to stop me. i gave a dramatic backstory as to why i was a vigilante and then we ran from my home to the city centre, except the city centre was gone. it was a grass baseplate instead.


  • 09/01/23
  • my mother and i were visiting my non-existant aunts house to pick up some christmas presents (????) and it was highly implied that my aunt was a werewolf/alien creature. my aunts house had a second floor with no stairs to it, but my werewolf aunt and her normal human husband could get up there just fine????


  • 10/01/23
  • koneko chan from nnsg and i went to some halloween scare attractions, but i wasnt scared of any of the actors. koneko chan and the actors all started calling me an asshole and making fun of me


  • 11/01/23
  • my friends father was a butterfly and refused to be in their life. the dream was episodic, like a tv show, but i dont remember everything that happened, only arcades, cities at night and having to prove to a government official that i was legally alive. my dream friends butterfly father never paid child support.


  • 12/01/23
  • my cat jumped onto my bed and i put her outside my bedroom door. that was the dream.


  • 13/01/23
  • a teacher found out their student had a bad home life but the student kept refusing help. the only time they did was when things got worse and they ended up homeless.


  • 14/01/23
  • I STOLE MY MOTHERS CAR AND DROVE IT THE WRONG WAY AROUND A ROUNDABOUT. then two kids id never met in my life invited me to a sleepover. the walk in wardrobe in their shared room was three toilet cubicles. also my mother was there. at this sleepover we had a table with those big plastic pitchers of juice, and also a jug of bleach???? apparently this was a normal thing to have at sleepovers in my dream. i took one sip, said "this is owie ouch" and had to be taken to hospital. i didnt want to go to hospital because i wanted to wear my hatsune miku shoes. i dont own hatsune miku shoes.


  • 15/01/23
  • i travelled through the dreams/memories of 7 people who lived before me and were my (insert how many great) grandparents. my great grandmother was alive, but was a completely different person and also implied to be immortal and a middle school teacher. the dream places were flat bridges to different areas with a badly put together skybox. while travelling through one of the dreams i saw a textureless red bard. inside were 7 glass-doored coffins. each one had a child version of each of my 7 grand parents.


  • 16/01/23
  • a random guy was blessed with magical powers, but nobody cared because, and i quote, "a bunch of cute girls did it first". the guy with the powers got really angry and tried to start a fight in a minescule premier carpark.


  • 17/01/23
  • i had a dream about the (not yet announced at the time) upcoming splatoon dlc. before the dlc you 3v3d deepcut in clam blitz. they had scarily good ai. the dlc was multiplayer but you'd all get split up an regroup later. it started with you, your teammates (up to 6 of you instead of 8) and craig cuttlefish getting onto a boat/submarine and desending into the sea, then you'd all be seperated and get your own craig guide. nothing else happened after that. also we got ingame emotes and could do the caramelldansen dance.


  • 18/01/23
  • i was in an abandoned highschool with four other students and we couldnt leave. it was snowing outside and accourding to a teacher, it was "incredibly risky" and we "couldnt understand the danger". i opened a fire exit door and stuck my arm out into the snow. it was normal snow.


  • 19/01/23
  • i was a witch making spells and going about my day-to-day life, nobody cared that i was weird. i kept going into charity shops and finding bright and coourful clothes to enchant.


  • 20/01/23
  • i was on call with my friends and trying to make us a roblox group, but roblox had come out with a new update: no two groups could have the same name. every single group name i could think of was already taken by an inactive group on an inactive account. suddenly, one of the accounts (it hadnt been logged into for years) came online and began to message me. the account owner had been missing irl for a long time after becoming trapped in the internet. i woke up before i could help them.


  • 21/01/23
  • i was trying to buy a game from CEX but i didnt know how much was on my debit card and i got really stressed out.


  • 22/01/23
  • i was a cardboard box human. my head wa a cardboard box. me and an older sibling (who wasnt my irl older sibling) went to a bar for magical humans but the police followed us there and blew it up. i hid in shame because it was my fault they all died.


  • 23/01/23
  • a compiletion of many days all revolving around me and my friends going to a small shop. apparently i was curious about what was under the floor so i teleported into the back area when the cashier wasnt looking. i eventually got bored of being under the floor and used a cake knife to free myself.


  • 24/01/23
  • a mean player on an mmo made fun of new players for not spending a ton of money on ingame microtransactions. someone hacked into the game and wiped the mean players account. they quit the game and were forced to play toon town rewritten for all eternity.


  • 25/01/23
  • some thing was very wrong. the world quietly hid away.


  • 26/01/23
  • i was a part of a group of rebellious teens. we all ran away from our homes together and lived in a sportsdirect in a mall


  • 27/01/23
  • i was a part of a group of magical parkourists. we were doing our own thing until another group of magical parkourists banished us from our part of the city, leaving us all homeless (we all live in the same apartment).


  • 28/01/23
  • i had a dream about one of my characters, whose name is Jellyfish. they were sat on their bed and trying to write in their diary. their room was very fancy, but there were large gaps inbetween the furniture.


  • 29/01/23
  • the world sucked but it was ok because there were cartoon villains. sonic and his friends and i failed in stopping eggman from getting ahold of a dangerous weapon so i quit the group in shame. i went to go live in an abandoned apartment complex but green versions of the aliens from the home movie lived there. i do not like the aliens from the home movie.


  • 30/01/23
  • i was in Jellyfish's room again. i could look around as Jellyfish, but the window and outside world was blueish static. they were wearing a fancy-looking navy shirt and a matching long skirt. they got changed and went to bed. they had a dream about the stars. i woke up and didnt know who i was.


  • 31/01/23
  • there was a new viral/celebrity/meme cat with an entire team of caretakers and nobody believed me. whenever i tried to show someone a picture of the cat, the device i was using would crash instantly, regardless of what it was. i woke up angry that i couldnt show anyone the cat. it took several minutes of scrolling through twitter to realise the cat wasnt real.
