every dream in march

  • 01/03/2023
  • these three guys were gymnasts but they werent very good at it. for some reason they were in my house.


  • 02/03/23
  • a group of people figured out how to become immortal and only use it on their pets.


  • 03/03/23
  • i was transported to an alternate reality where people were magical and pasta was so precious it could work as a currency.


  • 04/03/23
  • there were little figurines/models of the super chump explosive from splatoon and people would use them to magically change their appearance. i kept annoying this one guy by making his figuring despawn an respawn. also before that me and my friends were in a takeaway shop that sold school canteen food. when my card declined, all my friends began to realise they didnt have enough money, too.


  • 05/03/23
  • there was a new playable splatoon species. they were identical to inklings except their skin was bright blue. nobody played as them except for one guy, who upon realising nobody liked the new species, vowed to destroy us all. he was ranked B-.


  • 06/03/23
  • i was using the gold aerospray except my special meter never depleted. i kept destroying people. before that, my famiy owned my favourite poundland but we were getting no customers. apparently my parents were on the art direction for splatoon 3 and could get things into the game, so we advertised ourselves around that. also we had an entire section in the back of the shop dedicated to just tennis balls and underneath them were incomplete versions of the splatoon1 inkling girl.


  • 07/03/23
  • i was in avatar (james cameron) but i was the only na'vi anywhere so everyone thought i was a hacker.


  • 08/03/23
  • i was trying to work on the gamejam but it kept happening over and over an over. i got so angry i punched my friends dad in the face.


  • 09/03/23
  • my friend and i were playing jazz jackrabbit and noticed that the phone number for the company had changed. the guy in the jjr costume was annoyed.


  • 10/03/23
  • me and some people i did not recognise were gathered for some kind of meeting. we were the only people capable of stopping a catastrophic event. we seemed to be in two locations simultaniously: outside an expensive venue and overlooking an empty beach.


  • 11/03/23
  • i was at a convention buying imported food and items. a lot of the stands had asian imports but there were a few american ons scattered about. also the entire time i was going around, eridan ampora was just, there??? we were both apparently buying gifts for some alternan holiday.


  • 12/03/23
  • someone on twitter tried to sell a colour palette with only 3 colours in it for 10 quid. i told them that it was too much money so they sent theur friends and famiy to hunt down and kill me.


  • 13/03/23
  • na'vi people were being stripped of their culture and eventually they all went into hiding.


  • 14/03/23
  • the harvest fishing characters were real, includig the river king. if you annoyed any of the monster characters, theyd use their magic on the nearest device with wifi and use it to make you hallucinate the 'do you fart?' fish meme. the fish in the meme was meant to be the river king.


  • 15/03/23
  • i tried to join a group of pro-dragon dragon riders but none of us could see enough of the screen to do anything.


  • 16/03/23
  • i was a knight with magic hiding my true identity from the rest fo the world.


  • 17/03/23
  • me and numerous, humanoid, setient mythical creatures go to a place called 'the beach of art', known for its graffiti and other art pieces. it was really cool. apparently i has a sworn enemy in the dream so me and a guy with ram horns wrote a message on a wall telling them to eat shit.


  • 18/03/23
  • im a member of the scooby-doo gang and we are in alaska (i know nothing about alaska). we wee trying to solve a missing persons case, but anywhere where the missing person could have died there were instead thousands of moths.


  • 19/03/23
  • a woman kept claiming to have magic dna and i got the cashier at my favourite poundland arrested.


  • 20/03/23
  • i and many other children were hired to work at a tech company. we did no tech stuff any only posted on social media.


  • 21/03/23
  • i was a musician that ran away from home due to my grandmothers neglect.


  • 22/03/23
  • splatoon was given an update: we had to use nuclear weapons on the salmonid.


  • 23/03/23
  • i was in a warehouse filled with shelves. the shelves had caged with moshlings inside.


  • 24/03/23
  • i was in full control of the internet. i used this power to fix peoples spelling mistakes and feed their virtual pets.


  • 25/03/23
  • i was trapped i some kind of 2d platformer, except i was 3d and able to see that everything was 2d. the dungeon was very similar to the first level in jazz jackrabbit 2.


  • 26/03/23
  • i was a fish pretending to be a human. everyone around me hated magic fish so i ran away. while i was gone they found out my secret and went on a search for me.


  • 27/03/23
  • i was underground. it was warm and damp and dark.


  • 28/03/23
  • i was in a room with wooden floors. adults were there and i was an adult, too.


  • 29/03/23
  • i was somewhere colourful and bright. everything felt fuzzy.


  • 30/03/23
  • me and my family were travelling in a caravan. the world was ending. there was a big outside softplay area covered in images of kids horror character. there was one employee and they cared about nothing. i went back to the caravan and paye jjr2 on my laptop. i discovered on an old forum that the world in game that i was up to was dangerous, and that if i died ingame id die irl.


  • 31/03/23
  • due to incorrect rendering on ds emulation, i discovered a way to bring the harvest fishing characters into reality.
