every dream in may

  • 01/05/2023
  • me and a group of strangers discover that if we made up a word and thought of a definition, then that word would have a place in reality. i created an entire new country.


  • 02/05/23
  • humans that could breathe underwater all lived in tiny houses where strangers gave them food and money.


  • 03/05/23
  • i was playing some random pvp game with my friends and we couldnt find any secrets so we were sad.


  • 04/05/23
  • i was being told to stay asleep by someone. i couldnt move or do anything. it was like i was trapped.


  • 05/05/23
  • the few people i interracted with were some of the last people alive. everyone else was gone and i never found out what happened.


  • 06/05/23
  • the ice prince of some magical far-away land loses his mind and abducts several people including me. simultaniously, a scam website on my computer begs me to use it and cries openly when i dont.


  • 07/05/23
  • rose quartz from steven universe didnt die and i was one of her adopted children and a friend of the crystal gems. i remember doing a bunch of weird stuff like rollerskating in a mall and building machines. one one point we broke into homeworld and had to solve a puzzle. after the others had gone to the next area, i saw a white fly with a head like a butterfly. it attacked me and i woke up, except i was also attacked by one irl simultaniously and i could feel it on my face.


  • 08/05/23
  • the local rollerskating rink was haunted and had a soft play area twice its visible size. they were also selling zelfs but didnt care if we paid or not.


  • 09/05/23
  • i was the child of the fairies and had the ability to mend time


  • 10/05/23
  • head teacher gathers students in the same class as a particular student and informs them that hes hiring them all to record what the student does so that, when he's expelled, nowhere else will take him.


  • 11/05/23
  • i was at a cornfield but all the corn colours were strange. there were no other people at the cornfield. th sky was pitch black but everything else looked how it did in the daylight.


  • 12/05/23
  • i go on a grand and trecherous dream across worlds and nd up in a dimension simialr to earth. i tell my story to the leader of this world, who announces to their people that my story will be written down and adapted into a play. during the rehersals, i realise my script is much shorter than everyone elses. i steal someone elses and realise theres a large section after whee my script ends there they torture and kill me on stage.


  • 13/05/23
  • i sleepwalked but only in my dream. i was in a garden center.


  • 14/05/23
  • i was playing a low-poly videogame where a monster was in your house and you cannot make it leave. the only issue was, the longer you stalled in finding a solution, the more human the monster would become, repeating words you say before figuring out phrases and beginning to talk to you. i dont know what happens after they figure that out, i only got as far as the monster saying, pointing at me, "there. you."


  • 15/05/23
  • Empty dream. i felt like a plant.


  • 16/05/23
  • im the heir to the throne and dont want ot be. on the night of my coronation, the castle is attacked. the castle sorceress takes it as a chance to take me away from the castle to free me. we flee from the castle but in the process im stuck with magic that causes my eyes to glow bright green. we escape int othe woods and build a campsite. i realise that the guards will never stop looking for me so i ran away on my own.


  • 17/05/23
  • i lived in a world where everyone evolved from different animals; i dont know which one i was. i had just returned from the land and i now wanted to bury my baggage. i found the perfect pebble to represent my baggage but not the right spot to bury it.


  • 18/05/23
  • breaking bad ds game. depending on your actions in the story, youd get a diffeent ending. there was also a fantasy aspect and minigames.


  • 19/05/23
  • i was the number one fan of a Na'vi fashion model.


  • 20/05/23
  • i was in a roblox/minecraft-esque game show where the 'game' was a string of halls and doors. you got points for getting through quickly but also if you had worthwhile experiences while i the game.


  • 21/05/23
  • me and my dad are in the city and we want ot eat pizza, so instead of buying a frozen pizza, i suggest we go to a pizza takeaway. in the time between us entering the shop and us choosing a pizza, humans become illegal and we are instantly replaced by robots that dont eat.


  • 22/05/23
  • i was stood in a dark forest at night. there was no sound of life, only the wind.


  • 23/05/23
  • i was in a big forest, talking to a bunch of people that looked like me.


  • 24/05/23
  • i was a human who wanted to live a normal life. like all humans, i was put into a life-changing draw and ended up being chosen. i was taken to a place id never been befoe where the only recogniseable thing was the lack of everything, including houses. the humans left me there and that is when the not-humans appeared. the not-humans were magical and dangerous to normal life.


  • 25/05/23
  • the dream was strange and blurry.


  • 26/05/23
  • playing videogames with my friends, people hired by the government try to kill me.


  • 27/05/23
  • i went to an art college in the splatoon universe that had their own splatfests; i dont remember the theme, but the results announcement took playing on a flying boat. also some students just, had magic. before that i was in the splatoon college and there were 'staff only' doors left open EVERYWHERE.


  • 28/05/23
  • a tower that granted an ultimate wish was very quickly leaving peoples reach. people in the city all began to fight to get to the top first. a stranger trapped in the body of a robot helped me get to the top and in exchange i use my with to grant her a human form. with the towers magic in my grasp, the memories of my life returned.


  • 29/05/23
  • the dream was about magic but the details escaped my grasp.


  • 30/05/23
  • my friend didnt want to be a magical girl so we went searching for another magical girl to take her place. we were still searching when i woke up.


  • 31/05/23
  • i was on an island that had ziplines and stuff, a gameshow island. one girl kept accusing me of being a criminal.
